Rock-Ola Shuffleboard Table New Score Unit

 In Shuffleboard Table Accessories

We promised we would post some pictures tonight of our new Rock-Ola shuffleboard table score unit. Just like the original Rock-Ola shuffleboard tables, we left out no detail to make this reproduction as authentic as we could to the original tables.

Rock-Ola Shuffleboard Table Score Unit

The glass is real glass, not plexiglass, and it is made in the USA. We make the frame out of solid maple or walnut in our Grand Rapids factory. We left no detail out with the metal pole, it was fabricated in Grand Rapids by a local metal shop. We gave them an original antique Rock-Ola shuffleboard table score unit pole to replicate. We had the powder coat done in Grand Rapids with the original green color that goes perfectly with the green glass diamond inlays and the green in the metal logo.

Rock-Ola Shuffleboard Table

22 Foot Rock-Ola Shuffleboard in Mahogany Finish

Our Rock-Ola tables are so close to the original tables, that even with the two tables side by side you could not tell the difference. In fact, this year at the BCA (Billiards Congress of America) trade show in Chicago we will be taking a 60 year old original table and a new reproduction table and setting them up side by side. The only difference is that our new tables use better wood for the legs and horse collar. The original tables used poplar wood, while we now use Michigan hard maple or walnut wood. We took some pictures today that we will share on this post of our new score unit. We have more features still in development that also replicate an old original coin operated model we have in our shop. If you are in the Grand Rapids area feel free to visit our factory we are always making Rock-Ola shuffleboard tables or restoring an antique Rock-Ola shuffleboard. Visit our web site if you are interested in a new Rock-Ola shuffleboard table

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  • wes

    How much for the scoring unit, Thanks Wes

    • Todd McClure

      Hi Wes,

      Thanks for reaching out! You can find pricing on all of our scoring units here: Shuffleboard Scoreboards.

      If you have any other questions, feel free to give us a call at 800-565-0977.


      McClure Tables

  • Bruce Winters

    Would you tell me who reproduced your backglass?
    I have a National scoreboard that needs one of the glass panels replaced
    awesome reproduction

    • Todd McClure

      We had to have a graphic print company reproduced the graphics first then any sign printer can produce

    • Bob Stachowiak

      I owned an old Rock-Ola Shuffleboard Table built in 1948.
      I have the original scoreboard and need it repaired . Do you repair them or know someone that does?
      I believe some of the tubes need to be replaced.

      • Todd McClure

        Sorry we do not repair the score units but have someone we can refer you to please email us at sa***@mc***********.com

  • Branden G

    I have an original Rockola T-Square and I’m looking to have it restored. It has a crack in the main piece of wood. Any connections or recommendations? I tried looking for any photos online and I can’t even find a photo of one or anyone talking about it.

    • Todd McClure

      Not sure I would try any wood worker.

  • david alper

    need to purchase a score glass as someone threw a puck and broke one side of the score unit.
    we do not use the score unit. just want a new glass for cosmetic.
    we are silverball museum in downtown delray beach florida.

    Can we purchase a glass from you. Your glass is not the same layout as our glasses.

    david alper
    chief gametech manager

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Rock Ola Shuffleboard Table