Shuffleboard Puck Shapes, Weights, and Sizes

Ya know… We spend a lot of time talking about shuffleboard tables and their different components. We could spend all day talking about wood types and what the best way to finish a playing surface is. We’re passionate about shuffleboard tables, can you blame us?
But something we haven’t spent much time discussing lately is shuffleboard pucks. When you think about it, it’s kind of shocking that we overlooked this topic. Without pucks, a shuffleboard table is just a fancy piece of furniture like without a basketball, the hoop is just a 10-foot coatrack.
Well, it’s time to give pucks their day in the sun.
Shuffleboard Puck Shape

There are 3 general shapes to a puck; flat, pointed, or cupped. Generally speaking, flatter pucks slide faster on the table. The more pointed your puck is the slower it will slide. Cupped pucks are sort of a middle ground between flat and pointed; they’re still a fast-sliding puck but not as fast as a flat puck.
A professional player may have 3 to 4 different sets of pucks with them for different playing scenarios. For the casual player, we recommend using a slightly pointed puck, a .05 would be a solid choice.
Shuffleboard Puck Weight

The weight of the puck can impact how quickly it moves down the board and what happens when it hits other pucks. Think about what would happen if you rolled a bowling ball into a billiards ball, what would happen to the billiards ball? The tournament regulation weight for a shuffleboard puck is 342-346 grams. That weight includes the cap of the puck.
In a tournament setting, shuffleboard puck weights are controlled and very important. In a casual setting, your pucks don’t have to be regulation weight but it is probably a good idea to make sure they are all the same weight. Then again, it might be fun to have a few different weights lying around to experiment with different shots.
Shuffleboard Puck Size

The puck size itself is most often determined by the size of the shuffleboard table that is being used. There are two specific sizes of pucks that are generally accepted for recreational and tournament use. Two and five sixteenth inches and two and one-eighth inches. Smaller pucks are best suited for tables that are shorter, typically nine to fourteen feet in length and are usually around eighteen inches wide; as measured on the playing surface.
Conversely, the larger pucks with diameters of two and five-sixteenths inches are best suited for the longer and wider tables. Tournament approved tables have playing surfaces that are twenty feet eight inches long and have a width of twenty inches. Larger pucks allow for more competitive strategic play on the wider surface.
Playing on tables that use correctly sized pucks and table sizes will go a long way in developing your skill and consistent play. This is due primarily to the fact that the level of play is not determined by physical strength but rather relies almost exclusively on the player’s ability to direct the puck with the greatest amount of control and accuracy.
I have two pucks that don’t slide very well also I would like to change the color on the cap
Did you buy the pucks from us? Do they have screw on caps? Call customer service 800-565-0977 press 1 for sales.
How to keep score with the slide discs on the side of the table where to get the rules
You can find shuffleboard Gamer Rules here Do you mean the abacus score beads Like these they are designed for 15 point and 21 point games the odd color bead designates the winning point.
Should the pucks basically last forever or do they need to be replaced over time?
I’m getting a lot of drag with mine, but not sure if it is the pucks or the table… or both.
Pucks should last a long time, the drag maybe your wax or board preparation Read this article more about how to wax or prepare your shuffleboard for game play.