Selecting Your Shuffleboard Theme Song
The Ultimate Shuffleboard Playlist is great for parties and other occasions when enjoying your shuffleboard table with friends and family. But since everyone has their own unique shuffleboard experience, it follows that players with different styles will have their own theme songs. Imagine it… Your own signature anthem that comes on when you walk up to throw a puck. McClure Tables has singled out a few different shuffleboard personality types and chose the perfect shuffleboard song for each personality. Read on to discover yours!
Trash Talker:
Queen, “Another One Bites The Dust”
The perfect song for the competitive player, the title is a great reflection of how it feels after you’ve successfully defeated an opponent. This song captures that classic feeling of competition since, after all, Queen are the undisputed masters of arena rock. The competitive player loves to win, and they especially love to win to this song.
Passive Player:
Zac Brown Band, “Chicken Fried”
Shuffleboard tables are great fun for all kinds of players, from the most competitive to the most easygoing. If you fall more into the second category, the lighthearted breeziness of Zac Brown Band’s “Chicken Fried” is just the song for you. The catchy lyrics and summertime atmosphere of this song evoke just the kind of casual playing that is as much about enjoying great times shared with friends as it is playing a fun game.
The Referee:
The White Stripes, “Seven Nation Army”
A seven nation army couldn’t hold the White Stripes back, and the same can be said for the serious player. This one’s the shuffleboard theme song for you if your love of the game knows no bounds, you participate in a shuffleboard league, and are full of shuffleboard tips and tricks. You love to practice the game for hours on your very own personalized shuffleboard table. Turn up “Seven Nation Army” and let the catchy pounding of the drums motivate you towards further shuffleboard greatness.
The Natural:
The Beatles, “With A Little Help From My Friends”
The Beatles truly have a song for everything. The upbeat music and friendly song lyrics make this tune the perfect shuffleboard theme song for the team player. If you love to play on shuffleboard tables in teams so much that you got yourself and your teammate matching shuffleboard pucks, this lighthearted song is the one for you.
The Kingpin:
The Who, “Pinball Wizard”
Some people are just naturals at whatever they try. Although the main character of “Pinball Wizard” has some pretty serious limitations, he’s a natural at the game, causing all those who witness his skills to marvel. Shuffleboard wizards, that’s why this one’s the theme song for you. You are those players who constantly throw hangers without even trying, leaving the rest of us to wonder, “What makes [you] so good?!?”
Get into the spirit of enjoying a good game when deciding what your shuffleboard theme song is. Whether you can rock a hanger like nobody’s business or just love to have fun with friends while playing, there’s a shuffleboard theme out there for you. Next time you’re enjoying your shuffleboard tables with friends and family, get some inspiration from our list of shuffleboard theme songs and create your own.